The country mouse and the city mouse
The fox and the goat
The flying turtle
The fox and the crane
The foolish donkey
The goose with the golden eggs
The grasshopper and the ants
The wind and the sun
The lion in love
The shepherd boy and the wolf
The monkey king
The old lion
The lion and the mouse
The father, his son, and their donkey
The wolf and the house dog
Beling the cat
The bear’s whisper
The fashionable crow
The golden ax
The frog and the ox
The son and his mother
The farmer and the eagle
The frog and the mouse
《 蚊子与狮子》
The mosquito and the lion
The rabit and the tortoise
The donkey in the lion’s skin
The farmer and his sons
The dog and his reflection
The lion and the deer
The wolf and the crane
这套《伊索寓言》 以动画片的形式向大家讲述了整个寓言故事,整套英文原版动画包含音频、视频、脚本PDF。